We’ve listed all the modules and lessons down for you on this webpage. Scroll up and take a look. It is everything you need to truly understand your effortless audience and how to resonate with them.
The program itself is a series of small, bite sized videos delivered via our website. The LIVE Q&A sessions are Zoom, and streamed into the members website for those who choose to watch via a web browser. They are then available as on demand videos for replay.
The program training itself is 2.5 hours all up. After that, the workload depends on how many audiences you have. Our conservative recommendation is that you can complete the work around an already full schedule in 8-10 weeks.
There are no requirements or skills needed to do the program other than the technology to participate. We walk you through every step of the process so anyone can do it.
While we will have a stylish certificate for those who complete the program, it is not about that. It is about being able to confidently market any product or service for the rest of your life because you understand audiences. That is the real objective.
Any modern web browser will do the job. If you are seeing this now and the video on this page, then you can participate.
The support membership site contains the LIVE Q&A recordings and all the conversations that follow. Others on the journey will be there to connect and share their learnings too. We are big on accountability and the community helps this.
We are a supportive and encouraging team. We believe in the power of positive feedback, so we give you encouragement and guidance in the right direction. It is all based on what you put in.
The costs of each option are displayed above. We have provided different options to meet your budget. We do have our Sponge Double the Goodness grant for Impact businesses and Organisations that are strapped for cash. Find out more about that here.
The program is not a cohort style training with a defined start and end date, rather it is on demand so you can secure the current price and start when you are ready.